Feed Our Homeless can only operate with the help of our amazing volunteers. Whether giving their time to help out with the day-to-day running of our warehouse, or as part of our nightly Emergency Outreach team, our volunteers log hundreds of hours every month. Without them, we simply could not exist. Our Volunteers come from many different backgrounds, including Individuals, Community Employment, Students, our Re-Integration program and Corporations. Have a look at our Emergency Outreach and Warehouse Volunteering opportunities below or contact volunteering@feedourhomeless.ie if you would like to contribute in a different way.
Emergency Outreach Team
Our team operates 7 nights a week, 365 days a year, in and around the inner city centre of Dublin:
- We provide hot food and drinks, sandwiches, toiletries and clothes to people living on the streets
- But our main objective is to provide support
- We try to build relationships with our Service Users, motivating them to engage with specialist services, addiction, medical, counselling and so on
- We are often a Service User’s last point of contact before they bed down at night
- Our objective is to reduce the numbers of people sleeping rough by encouraging them to avail of emergency beds provided by the DRHE and Dublin Simon
- It’s not always an ‘easy sale’ some have bad experiences of emergency accommodation, open drug use, intimidation and personal belongings being stolen
Warehouse Volunteer Team
Our warehouse is the backbone of all our services. Here are some of the many day-to-day activities:
- Preparing vans for nightly Outreach
- Preparing Food Provision hampers
- Sorting through donations, food, clothes etc
- Loading/unloading charity’s vehicles for frontline and delivery operations
- Maintaining and sorting stock inventory
- Managing back-office operations, schedules, accounting etc
Outreach and Warehouse volunteers

Volunteer Testimonies